Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Simple Joys: A Walk in my Garden

Above and beyond the seasons, there are two times of year for me. There is the time of growth and change and the time of hibernation. There are those 3-4 months where everything seems asleep and changes are barely perceptible to the eye. Then there is the rest of the year, the time of change. Every day, every hour, there is something new to see. Now that we’re well into Spring, I have renewed my habit of walking my yard. It’s an incredibly comfortable pattern that I’ve peacefully fallen into over the years.

Mornings are my time. All of Avalonne is still asleep and the house is mine. It’s quiet and peaceful within. The Garden is another thing entirely. Outside, it’s teeming with life and energy and change. I usually do the dishes and make a pot of tea then leave the quiet peace of the house to a very different kind of quiet and peace. I walk around the yard and look at everything. I want to notice all the changes that have happened since I last looked. How many new leaves does that columbine have? Are any of the seeds sprouting? The pink tulips have opened on the northern side of the yard. Is the transplanted yarrow thriving?

It’s probably my favorite time of the day.

Breathe deeply,
Laugh with abandon,
Love wholly,
Eat well.

MiLady Carol
Dazzling jewelry that reflects sparkling personalities!

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